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Clean The Ocean - Biodegradable Cleaning Agent

10:30 AMUnknown

KOREFE | Hamburg, Germany
Creative Director Design: Christian Doering.
Designerin: Katharina Ullrich e Foekje Fleur.
Project Management: Jana Behrens.
Copywriter: Lorenz Ritter

How to clean a whole ocean while you clean your house.
CLEAN THE OCEAN is a biodegradable household cleaner that not only avoids plastic waste but also helps to remove it from the beaches and the oceans.

The cleaner itself has no unique features. But its packaging and its sales idea make it unique:
It's the only household cleaner that also cleans beaches and oceans. To reduce plastic waste it comes in porcelain bottles that may be used as vases when empty. And a large amount of the revenue goes to the CLEAN OCEAN PROJECT, which removes plastic waste from coastlines and the sea.
CLEAN THE OCEAN enables the customer to behave sustainable by using a biodegradable household cleaner.

And it helps them to display their green attitude and to become evangelists by using the empty bottles as vases.

O Packed Design é formado por um grupo de brasileiros que busca incentivar o design de qualidade feito no Brasil, trazendo referências do mundo para todos que nos acompanham.


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